Hans Lamecker

Hans Lamecker

Director, Software Development

Stryker CMF


I am Director of Software Development for patient-specific solutions at Stryker CMF. My mission is to scale patient-specific solutions with the help of 3D-CAD/CAM software so that as many patients as possible can benefit from those solutions.

  • Medical image processing
  • Shape matching/registration
  • Statistical shape analysis
  • 3D geometry and visualization
  • Doctoral degree (Dr. rer. nat.) in Mathematics/Computer Science

    Freie Universität Berlin

  • Diploma Degree in Physics

    Universität Heidelberg


Quickly discover relevant content by filtering publications.
MedShapeNet - A Large Scale Dataset of 3D Medical Shapes for Computer Vision
We present MedShapeNet, a large collection of anatomical shapes (e.g., bones, organs, vessels) and 3D surgical instrument models. Prior …
MedShapeNet - A Large Scale Dataset of 3D Medical Shapes for Computer Vision
CT-based Analysis of Left Ventricular Hemodynamics Using Statistical Shape Modelling and Computational Fluid Dynamics


Cardiac computed tomography (CCT) based computational fluid dynamics (CFD) allows to assess intracardiac flow features, …

CT-based Analysis of Left Ventricular Hemodynamics Using Statistical Shape Modelling and Computational Fluid Dynamics
VerSe: a Vertebrae Labelling and Segmentation Benchmark for Multi-Detector CT Images
Vertebral labelling and segmentation are two fundamental tasks in an automated spine processing pipeline. Reliable and accurate …
VerSe: a Vertebrae Labelling and Segmentation Benchmark for Multi-Detector CT Images

Curriculum Vitae

Director, Software Development
Dec 2024 – Present Berlin / Germany
Heading the software development for patient-specific solutions at Stryker CMF.
1000shapes GmbH
Managing Director
Jan 2015 – Nov 2024 Berlin / Germany
Heading the business operations at 1000shapes GmbH.
Zuse Institute Berlin
Guest research associate
Jan 2015 – Present Berlin / Germany
1000shapes GmbH
Mar 2010 – Mar 2010 Berlin / Germany
Co-founded the ZIB and Matheon spin-off company 1000shapes GmbH together with Stefan Zachow.
Postdoctoral research
Jan 2009 – Dec 2009 Sophia-Antipolis / France
Member of the Asclepios group, working on brain image segmentation within the Health-e-Child project and cardiac simulation within the euHeart project. Working under Nicolas Ayache, Xavier Pennec and Hervé Delingette.
Freie Universität Berlin
PhD studies in mathematics and computer science
Apr 2001 – Sep 2008 Berlin / Germany
Zuse Institute Berlin
Research associate
Sep 2000 – Dec 2014 Berlin / Germany

I was part of the Visual Data Analysis department, member of the Therapy Planning Group, and involved in the Amira development. Working under Prof. Deuflhard, Hans-Christian Hege and Stefan Zachow. I became a member of the SIG Visual Computing in Biology and Medicine.

My research was funded by

  • DFG research center Matheon (FZT86)
  • European Commission project MXL (FP7-2009-ICT-248693)
  • DFG collaborative research center Hyperthermia: Clinical Aspects and Methodology (SFB273)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Research internship
May 2000 – Jun 2000 Cambridge/MA, USA
As part of my diploma thesis, I worked on numerical solutions to chiral dynamics in strong interaction physics.
Zuse Institute Berlin
Research internship
Feb 1998 – Apr 1998 Berlin / Germany
Development of an active-contour-based interactive image segmentation algorithm
University of Heidelberg
Studies of physics
Apr 1995 – Jul 2000 Heidelberg / Germany
Specialization in theoretical elementary particle physics; graduation as Diplomphysiker with a thesis on the chiral dynamics in strong interaction physics.
University of Auckland
Studies of mathematics, physics and computer science
Jan 1994 – Dec 1994 Auckland / New Zealand
Sep 1984 – Jun 1993 Germering near Munich, Germany
As an alumni, I am a member of the Max-Born-Netzwerk.


Our team received the best paper award for our contribution “Automated Virtual Reconstruction of Large Skull Defects Using Statistical Shape Models and Generative Adversarial Networks” at the MICCAI 2020 AutoImplant Grand Challenge on Cranial Implant Design.
Our team ranked 5th place with our contribution to the MICCAI 2019 VerSe`19: Large Scale Vertebrae Segmentation Challenge.
Shape Symposium
Shape Challenge Best Prize
Our team won the shape challenge for partial shape reconstruction of resected livers.
Best Poster Award
Our team won the best poster award for our contribution on “Efficient projection and deformation of volumetric shape and intensity models for accurate simulation of X-ray images” at the VCBM conference in 2012.
Ausgründungspreis / Spin-off Award
Our spin-off Matheon was awarded the spin-off award.
MICCAI Society
Second-Best Auto-Segmentation Method for Knee/Cartilage from MRI
Our team went second-best in the MICCAI 2010 grand challenge “Knee/cartilage segmentation from MR images”
MICCAI Society
Best Auto-Segmentation Method for Mandibles in DVT
Our team won the MICCAI 2009 grand challenge “Manibular bone and nerve segmentation from DVT images”
Karl-Heinz Höhne Preis
For my work on “Atlas-based 3D-Shape Reconstruction from X-Ray Images” I received theis award from the GI Special Interest Group MedVis.
MICCAI Society
Best Auto-Segmentation Method of Liver from CT
Our team won the MICCAI 2007 grand challenge “Segmentation of the Liver from clinical 3D computed tomography (CT) scans.”
Best Podium Presentation
I received the best podium presentation award for my talk at the conference.
I was awarded a scholarship from the German National Academic Foundation during my diploma studies.


I taught courses on my research topics. Here are some examples:

Deutsche Schülerakademie
Malen nach Zahlen - Wissenschaftliche Visualisierung
Creation of course material, coordination and instruction
Summer school on Geometry and Visualization
Scientific Visualization with Amira
Course instructor in Maubeuge / France
Deutsche Schülerakademie
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
Creation of course material, coordination and instruction
Deutsche Schülerakademie
Introduction to the Theory of Relativity
Creation of course material, coordination and instruction
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Heidelberg
Lecture accompanying Tutorials

Course instruction and correction of exercises for the following lectures:

  • Theoretical mechanics (Prof. Dr. F. Wegner)
  • Analysis II (Prof. Dr. H. Rost)
  • Analysis I (Prof. Dr. H. Rost)
  • Algorithms and data structures (Prof. Dr. G. Reinelt)


I helped to organize, consult and support scientific events:

CAOS International
Session XVI - Registration, Segmentation and Modeling
Session Chair
Session Chair
Co-organization with M. Wardetzky and J. Bloch